
Showing posts from July, 2009


Upto 15th August it seems that INDIA will have to suffer from communal violence in certain parts. ASTROLOGICAL REASON. JUPITER /SUN / RAHU influences 9thHouse of Independent India's chart, so surely it will ignite communal tension. SUN 4thLord also. 4thHouse is apart from all other things signify building. RAHU is with JUPITER in 9thHouse. Dispositor of RAHU is again in 4H .RAHU also signifies caste other than HINDUS. Significator of 4H MOON is debilitated in 7H which is 4H from 4H and aspected by MARS.MARS is also aspecting 4H indicating violent situation .


Amitabh Bachchan is the eldest son of noted Hindi poet Late Sri Harivansh Rai Bachchan. In the beginning he did not prefer acting but in due course he entered into film industry and gradually shapen his acting. Later on he established himself as a successful actor in Hindi cinema.His acting was and is still appreciated by large number of people in the country and even abroad.Gradually he has become the Sahanshah of Bollywood widely known as BIG-B . Though he suffered from health hazards and faced disruption in his film career but his achievements were not hampered. He is not keeping good health from last some years . From 25-7-09 to 31-10-09 and from 26-2-2010 to 30-6-2010 he is likely to suffer critically from health point of view. Reason.... 1... His 1st major health problem occured on 26-july-1982. Shodashottary dasha was at that time ....JUPITER/ KETU/ VENUS. 2... His 2nd major health problem occured on 28-november-2005. Shoda...


MANGAL DOSHA or MAANGLIK is defined as a birth that occurs whenever MARS occupies 1st , 4th, 7th, 8th & 12th house in a horoscope.Some omit the first house and take 2nd house. Even the various shashtras os astrology differ as to which house it is present , what the exception are and what the effects and remedies are. Mangal dosha (MANGLIK DOSHA ) is one of the biggest misconception and fears in the Hindu society with respect to marriage.The Mangal stigma is the most misunderstood aspect of vedic astrology.Superstition and incompetent guidance by the half baked astrologers has created negative hype about MANGLIK-MARRIAGE prospects. Each planet has a meaning in astrology.MARS is a planet which signifies fire/ agression, so people are tend to believe that it burn the relationsip between a husband and wife.In astrology 1st house represent native as a whole, 4h represent comfirt, 7h represent spouse, 8h represent mangalya sthan &12th house represent bed pleasure.So whenever MARS is ...

events between 15thjuly'09 to 15th august'09

Events between 15th July '09 &15th August '09 is analysed on the basis of mundane astrology. In mundane, conjunction / opposition of major planets is very important. Whenever they conjunct or come in opposition or in kendra from each other and coincide with eclipses - major events are triggered on. whenever conjunction / opposition of planet takes place and there is aspect of MARS on it , then situation worsens and becomes violent." Example : Rajiv Gandhi assassinated - opposition of JUP , MARS with SATURN. ENTRY of VENUS in Mithun rashi seems to cause upset, a change , or even tragedy that becomes a notable historial event. If afflicted then there is further deterioration. Reason for this is - in Ashtakvarga chart of independent India, Mithuna a weak rashi has only 19 points.And in MOON bhinnashtak varga Gemini has 0 points. So , transit of VENUS (LL)in Gemini sign gives pain/change .Political body suffers. Example...Aug ' 1950 - Earthquake ...

winning of roger federer in wimbledon

today in wimbledon men's final it's Federer v Roddick. I don't have the chart of Roddick .From the chart of Federer , IT SEEMS THAT CHANCES OF HIS WINNING IS BRIGHT. REASON... vimshottary dasha......MERCURY/ MERCURY/ RAHU.(from 17-5-09 to 26-9-09) CHAR DAHSA......SAGITARIUS/ CAPRICORN / GEMINI(from 23-6-09 to 16-7-09) vimshottary dasha....IN D/1 MDL / ADL MERCURY is 11L & 2L placed in 12H in RAHU/ KETU axis( not good). PDL RAHU is in 12H with 2L/11L , LL( good combination in a bad house, house of loss) Dispositor of RAHU , MOON is in 3H( house of efforts).hints despite all odds he is a fighter. IN D/10 MAL / ADL MERCURY is EXALTED in 9H ( bhagya sthan) with LL/ 2L SATURN & 12L / 3L JUPITER. Here combination of 9L/2L/3L/6L (efforts combine with competetion and gain) in 9H is very good. PDL RAHU is in 5H aspecting 11H(house of gain). Dispositor of RAHU is in 4H aspecting 10H and in turn aspected by 8L SUN from 10H.It again shows win/win situation. DOUBLE TRANSI...

wimbledon and williams sisters

In Wimbledon'09 ladies single it's between serena and Venus and in ladies doubles it's between Williams sisters and Samantha/Rennae. it seems that in ladies single Serena Williams will win and in ladies doubles Williams sisters will win. REASON ( For ladies single) Serena Williams VIMSHOTTARY DASHA ....RAHU/JUPITER/RAHU(From 31-5-09 to 9-10-09) IN D/1...MDL RAHU... is in 4H aspectng 10H.dispositor of rahu MOON is in 5H aspecting 11H. ADL JUPITER is in 6H with 10L & 11L SATURN AND 5L SUN. PDL RAHU we already discussed it. here RAHU/JUPITER is activating 4H/5H/6H/10H& 11H showing gain in work through competetion. IN D/10....MDL/PDL RAHU is again in 11H with its dispositor and 11L VENUS and aspected by 7L(sookshma karya bhav) / 8L (suddennes) from 5H. ADL JUPITER is in 6H (own sign) with 3L MERCURY ( the house of efforts). JUPITER is also aspecting 10H & 2H. So here again 2H/3H/6H/7H/10H & 11H activates(very good) DOUBLE TRANSIT of SATURN & JUPITER ac...