Journey from 6th house to 8th house through 7th house .
Every house has got its own importance in astrology. For example, 5 th House helps in analysing the mental orientation of a person. 9 th House helps in analysing Father, Guru. Similarly other houses have their own significance. I have tried here to understand 6H/7H/8H. Rao sir has repeatedly expressed his desire for further work on relation of 6 th house and 7 th house. In astrology, 7th house represents Aasakti (attachment) & Virakti (detachment). 7 th house deals with all kinds of interpersonal relationships, which may be internal or external . Involvement of some level of interdependence is required in interpersonal relationship. When people are in a relationship, they tend to influence each other, share their feelings and thoughts, and engage in different activities together. Finally impact of any type on one member of the relationship will have some impact on the other member too. In other words, this is termed as attachment . Now what...