Till now this horoscope has been discussed HILLARY CLINTON 26-OCTOBER-1947 8:00 PM ILLINOIS/ CHICAGO U S A 1 - Lagna house is in Paap Kartari. Lagna lord is Vakri. WEAK COMBINATION Though aspect of Mars is also here but only on lagna lord in 5 th house , so weaker than Tula Lagna. As per my analysis, new horoscope HILLARY CLINTON 26-OCTOBER-1947 8:00 AM ILLINOIS/ CHICAGO U S A 1 - Lagna lord is in Lagna ( strong lagna) Stronger than Gemini Lagna. Aspect of Mars on Lagna house / Lagna lord gives her the youthful look. Some notable points : 2 -In sarvashtak – 10 th house has 32 points. 11 th house has 31 points. More work than recognition/ gain. 3 – Analysis of 4 th house( throne) 4 th lord is vakri. 4 th house is aspected by 8 th lord ( not ...