
Showing posts from September, 2013


The Pentagon is preparing for a longer bombardment of Syria than it originally had planned, with a heavy barrage of missile strikes followed soon after by more attacks on targets that the opening salvos missed or failed to destroy . We have all since long hearing news about US planning to attack SYRIA, RUSSIA trying to defend SYRIA as RUSSIA has strong ties to the Assad regime. But before getting into all the politics and trying to predict whether US will attack SYRIA or not and in the counter reply will SYRIA launch an attack on ISRAIL a very close friend of U.S ( As Israel's strongest ally, the U.S. has pledged to defend Israel if the country is put under any kind of security threat) first let us analyse how this all started.                                           ...


Today BJP declared the name of its PM candidate - Mr Narendra Modi . Let us examine the horoscope of India.  Does India want change of power or not ? Answer is "NO" . By hook or by crook ,Congress is going to retain power with it at the centre.


Delhi State election is going to take place in November'2013. Result is as per following according to the horoscope of Delhi , * Change of power in Delhi after election. * Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) - game changer in Delhi election but no gain in Lok Sabha Election'2013. (AAP MAY SUPPORT OTHER PARTY WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS AFTER DELHI STATE ELECTION) .